Enjoying festivals and events in Central Istria: Hook&Cook festival, cultural events and unforgettable moments for all generations

Visit central Istria for an extended weekend and experience the diversity of events. Enjoy the Hook&Cook festival, free tours, outdoor movies and holidays with a rich program. Find opportunities to relax and have fun for all generations.

Enjoying festivals and events in Central Istria: Hook&Cook festival, cultural events and unforgettable moments for all generations
Photo by: objava za medije/ objava za medije

The Central Istria Tourist Board has prepared a rich program of events that will take place over the long weekend. The focus is on the premiere fish street food festival Hook&Cook, which will be held on August 17th at the Barama in Cerovlje.

Hook&Cook Festival in Cerovlje
The Hook&Cook Festival is a special event planned for August 17, 2024, located at Barama near Cerovlje. This unique event offers an opportunity to enjoy a blend of gastronomy, music, and entertainment, away from everyday hustle and bustle. Fish lovers will be able to taste various delicacies prepared on the spot by the Hook&Cook team.
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The festival is scheduled to start at 4:00 p.m., when DJ Nemanja will create a dynamic atmosphere with his sets that will last all day. In addition, visitors will be entertained by the popular band Gustafi. Among the key events of the festival is a culinary competition in the preparation of fish stew. Three teams from the Pazinčica Sports Fishing Society will showcase their skills, and visitors will have the opportunity to taste their culinary creations for free.

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Events from August 12th to 18th
In addition to the Hook&Cook festival, Central Istria offers various events throughout the week:

Central Istria free walk tour allows you to explore the picturesque towns of Central Istria accompanied by a local guide. These tours will be held in Croatian and English according to the schedule: Mondays visiting Pićan and Gračišće, Tuesdays Pazin, Wednesdays Sveti Petar u Šumi and Tinjan, and Thursdays visiting Sveti Lovreč.

Open-air cinema offers movie screenings from August 12th to 16th under the stars in Pazin Novaki, Sveti Katarina, Boljun, and Pazin. The audience will be able to enjoy films such as Expendables 4, The Taste of Love, Maya the Bee, and Priscilla.

Screenings and performances
The screening of the film The Real Vermeer will take place on August 12th in Sveti Lovreč, providing an opportunity to enjoy a movie atmosphere outdoors.
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Children's performances will be held on August 14th and 17th. On August 14th in Tinjan, children will be able to enjoy the play Tooth Fairy, while on August 17th in Sveti Petar u Šumi the play Little Scientists will be shown. These performances are intended for the youngest and are designed to encourage creativity and curiosity in children through interactive stories and entertainment.

Holidays and celebrations
The feast of St. Roch is celebrated on August 14th in Pićan with a solemn mass and a rich cultural and entertainment program. For children, entertainment is planned with magician Luka Vidović, while adults can enjoy concerts by the klapa Rišpet, Lucky Band, and DJ Nikola from Kukurini. This is a perfect opportunity for the whole family to spend a day together in joy and celebration.

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The celebration of the Assumption of Mary will be marked on August 15th in Kringa, where Mambo Kings and DJ Kriza will be responsible for good entertainment. Locals and visitors will enjoy musical performances and traditional dances, creating an atmosphere of togetherness and joy.
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Special events
For nature lovers and special experiences, we recommend the Full Moon Walk, a walk during the full moon that will take place on August 19th. This walk provides a unique opportunity to relax and connect with nature, with a beautiful view of the Istrian landscapes bathed in moonlight. Registration is mandatory via email:

Invitation to events
We invite everyone interested in good food, music, and cultural events to join us. Take the opportunity to enjoy the special atmosphere of central Istria through a rich program intended for all generations. All additional information, news, and details about projects and events organized by the Central Istria Tourist Board can be found on the website Central Istria Tourist Board.

Recommended accommodation nearby:

Creation time: 12 August, 2024
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