Margaret's summer in Bakar: cultural experiences and art

Cultural summer in Bakar: Margaret's summer brings musical, cinematic and theatrical pleasures to an ancient seaside town

This year, Margaret's Summer in Bakar offers a diverse cultural program including a concert cycle, the "Bura" film festival, and theater performances that will attract art lovers from all over the region.

Cultural summer in Bakar: Margaret
Photo by: objava za medije/ objava za medije

This year's Margaretino summer, the most famous cultural-tourist event in Bakar, offers visitors a plethora of artistic experiences.

Amidst the multitude of summer events, programs that deserve attention for their quality sometimes go unnoticed. Thanks to the cultural-artistic association "Sklad" from Bakar, one such program operates in Bakar. It is the concert cycle "Classical Bakar." Besides bringing renowned musical artists to the ancient coastal town, this program is an excellent example of how amateurs can create synergy with professionals. This collective strength positively impacts all participants: artists, music enthusiasts, and the entire local community. By collaborating with musical amateurs, artists demonstrate that culture belongs to everyone and has the power to initiate social change. The audience from Bakar, Rijeka, and the surrounding areas has recognized the concept and quality of the concerts. Bakar has established itself as a desirable cultural-musical destination, offering, for example, a spectacular performance of Mozart's Coronation Mass these days (July 2nd, Church of St. Andrew, 9 PM). At the end of July, the Zagreb Soloists will also perform in Hreljin (July 31st, Church of St. George, 9 PM).

Film "Bura"
As part of Margaretino summer, a small film festival called "Bura" is also held. At the end of this week (July 4th-6th), it is organized by the Studio B7 association, bringing an interesting film and accompanying program to the Bakar area. The schedule includes feature films such as the provocative Score by R. Metzger from 1974 (July 4th, Bakar, Cultural Center, 8 PM); Blažeković-Hreljanović's The Wonderful Forest, the first Croatian feature-length animated film from 1986 (July 6th, Bakar, Cultural Center, 11 AM); Infinity Pool by B. Cronenberg (2023), a sci-fi horror film shown in Bakar Castle (July 6th, 4 PM). The festival will conclude with a screening of the comic drama La Chimera (2023), directed by Alice Rohrwacher (July 6th, Krasica-Hroljevo, 9 PM). An interesting aspect of this year's festival is the workshop on the topic of inclusive film (July 5th, Bakar City Library, 10:30 AM) and a selection of short films on the same day in the evening (Bakar, near the Turkish House, 8 PM).

The Studio B7 association's program will also be present on the last day of this year's Margaretino summer (August 2nd, 9 PM), with an impressive fusion concert "Vrime" held in the industrial zone of Bakar.

Are you up for theater?
Summer in Bakar brings several interesting theater performances. In July, viewers will be entertained by the comedy "Matchmakers" from Zagreb's HIT Theater (July 9th, Bakar, Cultural Center, 9 PM). Two weeks later, the Ri Theater will present the play "Backpacking through Croatia" on the Fisherman's Shore (July 24th, 9 PM). Tickets for both performances are available through the system, at the Bakar Tourist Board, Primorje 39, and at the entrance 2 hours before the show starts.

Czas utworzenia: 02 lipca, 2024
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