Traffic safety in Lika: dangers of alcohol and speeding

Traffic safety in Lika: accidents due to speeding and driving under the influence of alcohol back in focus

Safety on Croatian roads is back in the spotlight due to an increase in traffic accidents. Alcohol and speeding remain the most common causes, despite numerous police preventive actions

Traffic safety in Lika: accidents due to speeding and driving under the influence of alcohol back in focus
Photo by: Domagoj Skledar - ilustracija/ arhiva (vlastita)

Traffic safety on Croatian roads remains a focus of numerous police actions, with traffic accident statistics, especially during the summer months, indicating the need for increased attention from all road users. Alcohol and speeding are among the main causes of accidents, despite stricter penalties and increased controls. Driving under the influence of alcohol, according to data from the Ličko-Senjska Police Department, continuously poses a danger on the roads, while inappropriate speed further increases the risk of serious injuries.

During the past weekend, 13 traffic accidents were recorded in the Ličko-Senjska County, two of which resulted in serious injuries, while six people sustained minor bodily injuries. Among the most severe accidents was one in which a 24-year-old motorcyclist collided with a rock and traffic sign due to speeding on the road through Velebit, resulting in serious injuries. This incident highlights the need for caution, especially on winding and hazardous sections of roads such as those in Velebit.

In addition to inappropriate speed often causing accidents, intoxicated drivers also pose serious threats on the roads. According to recent data, the highest concentration of alcohol in the blood was measured at 42-year-old from Gospić, who had a reading of 1.94 g/kg over the weekend. The statistics clearly show that drivers under the influence of alcohol significantly increase the risk of involvement in accidents, as confirmed by police actions targeting speed control and driving under the influence of alcohol.

Police preventive-repressive actions in traffic often yield results, with the goal of raising awareness about road safety. On roads throughout Croatia, especially during the tourist season, when traffic density is significantly higher, increased controls are crucial for maintaining safety. However, despite these measures, accidents caused by excessive speed and intoxicated drivers remain frequent.

One of the key goals of Croatian traffic authorities is to reduce the number of traffic accidents, as well as serious injuries and fatalities. As part of this, campaigns are conducted aimed at educating drivers, introducing new technologies for safer driving, and improving traffic infrastructure. According to official data, in 2023, there were 78 fatalities per million inhabitants, indicating the need for further improvements in safety standards by 2030, when a significant reduction in the number of accidents is expected.

In addition to drivers, there is also an appeal to pedestrians and cyclists to adhere to traffic regulations and increase caution, especially on sections of roads where a higher number of accidents frequently occur. Regardless of whether on the road are drivers, motorcyclists, or pedestrians, everyone shares the common goal of road safety, and adjusting speed and avoiding driving under the influence of alcohol are key factors in preserving this safety.

Czas utworzenia: 09 września, 2024
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